This will allow you to search Custom Post Types in addition to regular posts and allow you to show the results differently dependent on post type.
First put a filter in your theme’s function.php file that will group the results by post type.
add_filter('posts_orderby', 'group_by_post_type', 10, 2); function group_by_post_type($orderby, $query) { global $wpdb; if ($query->is_search) { return $wpdb->posts . '.post_type DESC'; } // provide a default fallback return if the above condition is not true return $orderby; }
Next, pull open your theme’s search.php file and tackle the following code. This example will separate your Blog “post” Blog Post type, and your “product” Products post type.
post_type){ $typecount = $typecount + 1; if ($typecount > 1){ echo '