How to add a custom length excerpt without truncating the last word.

Place the following in your theme’s functions.php file.

// Excerpt Function
function get_excerpt($count){
  // whatever you want to append on the end of the last word
  $words = '...';
  $permalink = get_permalink($post->ID);
  $excerpt = get_the_content();
  $excerpt = strip_tags($excerpt);
  $excerpt = wp_trim_words($excerpt, $count, $words);
  $excerpt = $excerpt.'... <a href="'.$permalink.'">more</a>';
  return $excerpt;


or this… without the more permalink at the end:

// Excerpt Function
function get_excerpt($count){
  // whatever you want to append on the end of the last word
  $words = '...';
  $excerpt = get_the_content();
  $excerpt = strip_tags($excerpt);
  $excerpt = wp_trim_words($excerpt, $count, $words);
  return $excerpt;


Paste this in your theme to display the custom excerpt.

// change the # to lengthen or shorten your excerpt
echo get_excerpt(125);